Monday, April 28, 2008


Just finished my last week in the ICU. I'm glad. I learned a lot, but it's just not my thing.
Saturday was so dull. I read 3 chapters in my textbook. Yeah. I got a patient who had inhalation burns from a cocaine binge. Her throat was so swollen. When her tube was taken out, her stridor was so loud it could be heard everywhere in the unit. She was re-intubated, which was interesting to watch. The doctor was unable to visualize her vocal cords because of all the swelling, and said that the patient had been breathing through a tiny slit.
Sunday the unit was full. There was no one available to sit with the cocaine patient (she's a 2013-drug overdose. she can't be left alone), so I got nominated for the job. She was awake, so I handed her some paper & pen. We talked that way for a while. She wants help. Good for her. Her 17 year old daughter had been in DFACS custody until she disappeared from the case worker.
That was pretty much it.

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